Useless Facts, Badly Drawn #354: Fiat's love letters.
#fiat #fail #marketingfail #spain #webcomic #comics #strangebuttrue #butwhytho #cars #advertising #uselessfacts #uselessfactsbadlydrawn
Useless Facts, Badly Drawn #354: Fiat's love letters.
#fiat #fail #marketingfail #spain #webcomic #comics #strangebuttrue #butwhytho #cars #advertising #uselessfacts #uselessfactsbadlydrawn
Also manche Produktnamen sind schon demotivierend. Wie kann man ein Sportler-Gesöff nur "Power ade!" nennen?
It’s astonishing that this kind of crap still happens. Don’t be these jackholes.
#blackhat #tastefail #sensefail #marketingfail
One thing I have made note of during my blurry, gunky, exhausted 11 days of #covid and counting is just how poorly written and generally incompetent the Freevee ads of Amazon Prime are.
I mean, not only are they annoying me by making me watch ads on a service I already pay for, they're also insulting my intelligence and my common sense with repetitive ads containing inane dialogue, bad graphics, and kitsch.
Useless Facts, Badly Drawn #354: Fiat's love letters.
#fiat #fail #marketingfail #spain #webcomic #comics #strangebuttrue #butwhytho #cars #advertising #uselessfacts #uselessfactsbadlydrawn
It's my solemn duty to point out #MarketingFail wherever it appears.
Yes, I've read the whole trilogy.
@devopscats "Our marketing team works independently of our technical team." #MarketingFail #Marketing
O lieve Royal Canin, hoe denken jullie compliant te zijn met AVG en ePV?
- Deze familie woont al 23 jaar niet meer op dit adres
- de naam is fout gespeld (Huenestein had het moeten zijn)
- Toch weer een adressenbestand gekocht, hè? Superoud, dus beetje weggegooid geld.
#AVG #Privacy #MarketingFail
We got the monthly reminder from #netflix telling us that it has been 302 days since we left the platform.
They have the need to show us a list of shows that we started watching and didn't like.
But, the good news is they have even more seasons of the shows we didn't like watching.
Maybe they need someone else to do their marketing - because this isn't making us rush to sign up again
cc @bowreality
@ASegar yes, I thought also that the credit card pitch was more irritating that it needed to be. I felt pity for the flight attendants. Their job is hard ENOUGH without turning them into salespeople as well!
They have changed/reworded that question's choice to
"Find a friend and fall in love"
It makes no sense with how the question is worded, and no sense in general.
Twitter is realizing that "Twitter videos" are becoming "X videos".
You can see where this is going.
Things that aged like milk:
On the back of the bread, it says, Comments and concerns? And then lists their Facebook and Twitter #marketingfail
I am wondering if TikTok paid ads are a scam, and Instagram ads are definitely a WTF. We placed ads on both last week. Here's a post about what happened… perhaps you can explain the outcomes?
A funny story about #AppSec and an amazing #marketingfail!