Bill to increase #LithiumMining regulations killed in [#SouthDakota] state House
By Amelia Schafer Feb 14, 2025
"A new bill to increase regulations on lithium mining in South Dakota failed to make it out of the state House on Thursday.
"House Bill 1258, proposed by Rep. Nichole Uhre-Balk, D-Rapid City, would have placed lithium mining under the same regulations as gold and silver rather than its current sand and gravel standards.
"Hard rock mining (gold and silver) is subject to stricter #WaterPollution control regulations than sand and gravel mining.
"Organizations like #MidwestLithium are currently exploring mining operations in the hills. Most lithium in the hills is found around the #HarneyPeak Granite formation, according to the organization's webpage.
"The South Dakota lithium project is comprised of roughly 23,500 acres of both #federal and private Land.
The House Agriculture and Natural Resources committee first split 6-6 on a do-pass motion Thursday before voting 8-4 to send the bill to the 41st day, killing it.
"''I think the general consensus is that the issue needs to be addressed, and so we'll continue to look harder at that, make sure we get all of our any concerns addressed and try to bring that bill back next year,' Uhre-Balk told the crowd at Saturday's crackerbarrel event hosted by Elevate Rapid City.
"Organizations like the local Indigenous led nonprofit #NDNCollective and the #BlackHillsCleanWaterAssociation spoke out in support of the bill Wednesday, stating that increased lithium mining threatens clean water for Black Hills residents especially since its treated like sand or gravel mining.
"Critics of the bill, such as Mike Lees, program administrator for the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Minerals Mining Program, said current regulations are sufficient. At the crackerbarrel, Rep. Tim Goodwin, R-Rapid City, said the bill, 'was going to choke off mining. It was bureaucratic.'
"Uhre-Balk said the bill wouldn't stop mining.
"House Agriculture committee members cited a need to better understand the issue when voting to send it to the 41st day.
"The #SouthDakotaMineralIndustriesOrganization was not immediately available for comment."
Archived version:
#ProtectTheBlackHills #ProtectTheSacred #DefendTheSacred #NoMiningWithoutConsent #EnvironmentalRacism #DrillBabyDrill #WaterIsLife #LandIsLife #LeaveItInTheGround #CorporateColonialism #USPol #NoLithiumMining #DefendMotherEarth