#2022 was a lot to process, friends. There’s a reason for that.
We are experiencing a full-spectrum cognitive #warfare assault designed to subvert #democracy through fear, trauma, intimidation, coercion and #brainwashing — in order to create the conditions for #authoritarianism and, ultimately, #genocide.
This is equally true for Americans today as it was of Germans in Weimar, 1930.
The conspiracy to overthrow the US government on #January6 was just one operation conducted by a global confederation of #fascists and #oligarchs allied in the project to eliminate global liberal democracy — by any means necessary.
If I were to give them a motto — “the end times justify the means.”
The only ideology they share is hate, domination, and “deconstruction of the administrative state.”
At the head of this snake is Vladimir #Putin, who has been at war with “the West” for 40 years. Since seizing power in #Russia, his goal has been to reconstitute the Soviet Union and eliminate #NATO as a threat to his New Russian Empire.
Putin has been waging active measures for decades, but the new phase of a much longer war started in 2015 when Mike #Flynn went to Moscow and planned the theft of the 2016 US election. #WWIII
While #propaganda and psychological operations have been part of war for millennia, humanity’s rapid #evolution into a networked, digitally connected species provided a new, vulnerable attack surface for these tactics.
Mike Flynn’s entire career was spent pioneering the weaponization of information to radicalize populations in order to accomplish political and military objectives.
Flynn stole the 2016 election for Putin and Trump through a series of psyops and political ratfucking, including #Pizzagate and the reopening of Hillary’s emails.
But Flynn’s most famous #psyop was #QAnon, which he started after he was fired as National Security Advisor and pled guilty to lying about his contact with the Russians. From 2017-2020, “Q” spoke for Flynn — until his pardon.
ICYMI, Mike Flynn has always been “Q.”
For those who have been fed the silly disinformation that Ron Watkins was the mastermind behind QAnon, you have been intentionally misled. Ron Watkins could barely run the website. #BehattedFuckwit
QAnon was always Mike Flynn’s psyop which he shut down after the 2020 election — and transformed into the Big Lie which ultimately fueled the insurrection.
After Mike Flynn was pardoned he didn’t need “Q” to speak for him anymore. The Big Lie was combined with a series of maneuvers conducted by Donald Trump and his administration to try to seize power non-violently.
This included the use of Executive Order 13848 and USAID, which my partner OSINT Ninja @Gal_suburban and I detailed below. However, it ran into a hitch.
After the intelligence community found that there was no significant foreign interference by anyone but Russia in the election, Plan A to overturn the government was scrapped for Plan B — a violent insurrection at the Capitol to prevent the peaceful transition of power.
This plan was finalized on December 18th, 2020 in the White House.
It’s critically important to remember that this played out largely on Twitter, including the “will be wild” tweet right after The Meeting on 12/18/20.
Twitter was fully complicit in this. There was no secret about what was going to happen and who was planning it.
And, as #Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony proved, there was no secret about the fact that all of it was being fueled by #QAnon.
Once the insurrection failed and Biden took office, Flynn set about rebuilding his cult, but this time fueled by weaponizing religion.
For nearly two years, he has been touring churches across the country with a psychological operation designed to brainwash his followers into a syncretic, toxic stew of replacement theory, christofascism and QAnon.
It has gone almost completely unnoticed that Mike Flynn named his QAnon psyops tour after a book by Aleksandr #Dugin, the genocidal fascist responsible for Vladimir Putin’s imperialist Eurasian strategy driving atrocities in Ukraine.
“The Great (Re)Awakening” means brainwashed by QAnon.
”The Great Reset” is an antisemitic conspiracy theory.
Dugin’s book praises QAnon directly and calls for US civil war.
At the start of 2022, the escalation of #Putin’s war was not just felt in #Ukraine. His influence operations across the world went into overdrive, especially in the United States. His agents all got the memo that there was no longer any reason to hide their loyalties.
Putin’s general, Mike Flynn, is leading by example.
Here’s a clip from the fantastic series “The Search for Q” where Major General Paul Eaton describes how Mike Flynn is using military PSYOP on Americans and called for Flynn to be recalled and court-martialed.
This documentary spends all four episodes focused on Flynn and his connections to QAnon, christofascists and white nationalist paramilitaries.
Unsatisfied with brainwashing people directly, Mike Flynn wrote a book with a former Army PSYOP sergeant to lay out the process of targeting people through psyops, propaganda and cult indoctrination tactics in the project of subverting and overthrowing the US government.
This is the vanguard of the American fifth column. It could not be more dangerous.
However, after following Mike Flynn for two years, an even more dangerous cult leader came forward as the greatest single threat to democracy — a threat with far more power, influence and money than Flynn.
In April, I wrote this article about Elon #Musk based on his own propaganda and behavior.
I was hoping it was hyperbole, but it turned out to be understated.
Elon Musk not only pushed for Ukraine to give up Crimea on Twitter, he shut off Starlink to Crimea because Putin told him to.
Elon Musk is an enemy combatant who thinks Putin will accelerate his psychopathic, messianic mission to get to Mars at all costs.
But Musk’s ideology is arguably darker than Putin’s — who is driven by a nationalist project, however genocidal.
Musk is a white supremacist to his core. He grew up in whites only schools in #Apartheid, which he has never denounced and which his father actively defends.
Over the last year, Musk’s Nazi sympathies have become more and more blatant, including straight pro Hitler signaling and replatforming the Daily Stormer.
I’ve seen a lot of freakish ideologies, but Elon Musk is in a very small, specialty-crafted cult just for him and a few other PayPal Mafia members.
Musk and his colleagues have figured out how to operationalize their sociopathy, narcissism and bigotry by constructing an alternate reality for themselves that makes them feel so smart and wise that they should be trusted with the “hard decisions” for the rest of humanity.
In 2018, Elon Musk declared he was a “socialist,” praised Bolshevik Russian Cosmist rocket scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky who was a big fan of eugenics, and said he is a “utopian anarchist” based on a series of sci-fi books often described as both transhumanist and anarcho-communist.
All of this is magical thinking to justify his own fragile self-image and megalomania. Elon Musk is a danger to civilization.
Flynn, Putin and Musk are joined by a large constellation of sociopathic fascists driven by a variety of narcissistic delusions. Here are my top 12. YMMV.
These are all people whose accidents of birth and/or criminal enterprises gave them the power and entitlement to dominate others for their own profit. Our collective challenge is build a new system that prevents people like this from gaining power over others.
Until we understand that these men are waging psychological war against our citizens, we will just mourn the friends and family we lose to this attack by blaming politics or mental health or social media.
It’s none of those things. I wrote this story describing how psyops like QAnon work. This is military-grade weaponry designed to traumatize, dissociate, brainwash and radicalize people with coercive propaganda and cult indoctrination tactics.
I described the process behind millions of stories like Jane’s. We have been collectively subject to an industrial radicalization machine that doesn’t just affect right wing cult members, it affects the left as well.
This chart was published by people connected to QAnon in January 2018, barely two months after it started.
None of this was an accident. This wasn’t created by a “lucky troll on 4chan.”
Until recently, the core “QAnon radicalization pathway” was confined to #4chan/8chan, #Telegram and other neo-fascist odds and ends. But Elon Musk spent $44 billion to change that for good. That’s why I’ve been calling him #QElon — because there is almost no difference between Elon Musk and “Q” at this point.
Except the sheer scale of it. Twitter is 1000x larger than 8chan. And Musk still has near infinite money.
The people still on Twitter are sitting ducks for a platform which was already weaponized but is now just a fascist psyops cannon. h/t @HiFi
Elon Musk is just getting started. He will go as far as we let him.
A fascist like this will never stop. He must be defeated along with the system that created him and rewarded him for his psychopathy.
Human beings were not designed to withstand sustained cognitive warfare. Most of us are simply unaware that psyops are real and that both the US and Russian military have enormous resources devoted to them, much less that psyops might be deployed within our own borders to subvert American democracy.
Well, they are real. And since our own government won’t do anything to stop them, we will have to do it ourselves.
#ArrestMikeFlynn #EvacuateTwitter
@jimstewartson Bingo, some of us grew up in the Cold War and were attuned to treating Russian propaganda as propaganda. The populace has become naive since the Wall fell. #newcoldwar