Faithful America has a petition online calling on the president of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, LCMS President, Rev. Matthew C. Harrison, to expel Rev. Stephen Lee from ordained ministry after the role Lee played in Trump's attempt to subvert the 2020 election, for which Lee has been indicted.
An email Faithful America sent out re: this petition states the following:
#StephenLee #Lutheran #MissouriSynod #insurrection #Georgia #indictment
"Lee wasn't just a pastor who happened to have a political affinity for Trump. He actively misused his authority as a minister to try to gain access to [Ruby] Freeman against her will -- and to dissuade police from intervening."
Lee drove to Georgia from Chicago and targeted election worker Ruby Lee, attempting to intimidate her, and is now facing charges for that reason.
#StephenLee #Lutheran #MissouriSynod #insurrection #Georgia #indictment