It's a difficult time.
Yesterday, it was hearing about big cuts to Social Security agency personnel coming.
Social Security is a minimal American old age pension fund that workers pay into throughout working years. Dates back to the New Deal of President FDR. Every paycheck I ever had, has had a percentage to SS.
Yesterday, I was thinking,
"If that's stolen, then I don't get to retire?
I have to just work until I die?
Or I just die if I can't find work?"
@murodegrizeco @WarnerCrocker Right there with you.
You will reach the age of ‘can’t find work’ much sooner than ‘work until you die’
@Chancerubbage @murodegrizeco Tell me about it.
If you have a corporate job, they don’t want to pay your pension either. They already seemed to kick health insurance to the curb in the past 20 years.
@murodegrizeco Cutting SS is a sure sign that they’re not planning on having elections in 2026.
While we're at it:
Employers shed older workers at 50 or so.
Young people cling to their ginned up hatred of older people.
This does fit with a model of #America as 4 level #caste system:
Hyperwealthy, with overwhelming say in how things happen, with endless fawning media gaze, with global reach and global impunity.
Technocratic engineers and managers, making system work for top caste, protected only as long as useful, always afraid of becoming...
Precariat, working people working hard but falling behind and falling apart.
Untouchables. The prisoners, immigrants, homeless, disabled, old, sick.
I agree.
We, as a country, have a bizarre readiness to worship people who are wealthy, famous, or beautiful, or or those who declare themselves to be extra-holy, for a small fee.
@murodegrizeco MAGA will fail. Fascist regimes always do. They will cause a lot of damage and kill a lot of people, but there will be a time after, and there will be rebuilding.
Social security is a program that could be described as "socialist". If we want to retire and live comfortably, we want the rebuilding to include "socialist" programs. As a socialist, I obviously want as many "socialist" programs as possible.
Of course, the sooner MAGA goes down, the better.
@murodegrizeco pretty much. I'll never see a cent of it myself.
Thinking about Musk puts me in a fantasy mood involving baseball bats, tar and feathers and a stinking garbage scow to Africa if that weirdo steals the Social Security Trust Fund.
@murodegrizeco …And the people who don’t have a pension and rely ONLY on SSI are truly fucked. Inflation generally goes up, correct?