Ned Blackhawk on Robert P. Jones' new book The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy:
"Less focused on racial disparities in income or educational attainment than on cultural forces of resistance, including 'white Christian nationalism,' Jones sees within contemporary America a pernicious refusal to accept 'remembrance' of the form that Biden has promoted."
#WhiteSupremacy #WhiteChristianNationalism #RobertPJones #remembrance #history
"The nation can never fully achieve its ethical and political aspirations while living with falsehoods about its past, Jones suggests; though American history may constitute a challenging battleground, it provides essential moral guidance."
Jones insists, then, that without remembrance — without knowing and honestly facing our history — there can be no healing for the wounds that deeply weaken our democracy.
#WhiteSupremacy #WhiteChristianNationalism #RobertPJones #remembrance #history
Some of us refuse to remember — hence the attack on history programs in schools, on libraries, on academics. This attack is about establishing self-serving historical myths as "truth" and refusing to allow actual historical fact and truth to have a hearing. It is about who gets to control what counts as historical fact and truth, and to impose their myths on all the rest of us in a pluralistic democracy.
#WhiteSupremacy #WhiteChristianNationalism #RobertPJones #remembrance #history