@KeithDJohnson It’s important to remember that this was not instigated by billionaires. Low-cost public universities were one of the first targets of the anti-tax movement in California in the 1960s—the University of California’s longstanding state support, which allowed all students to attend tuition-free, was one of the first victims of Governor #Reagan. The reactionary right of the time included many of the rich, especially the Southern California apartment owners represented by #HowardJarvis, along with the Birchers, McCarthyites, and others who supported #Goldwater. However, the majority of rental properties were owned by middle class people, from lower to upper, trying to move up and provide for their retirement, just like the main street small businessman you’re talking about. Almost every one of those people were hard right by 1966, when Reagan first ran. They had already repealed the #RumfordFairHousingAct and collaborated with their business peers to oppose every liberal initiative.